🚀Blockchain NFT Game: Axie Infinity is a decentralized game on the Ethereum Blockchain that allows players to control adorable, PokÊmon – inspired characters known as Axies.

💰You will gain an in-game token called Small Love Potion (SLP) which could be converted to other cryptocurrencies such as ETH or BTC and that could be traded for the stable coins 💴BUSDđŸ’ĩUSDC💷USTđŸ’ļUSDT.

Visit and sign up the scholarship program offered by DailyGameMoments

How To Exchange Your SLP to USD?

Step 1:
Register and join the crypto exchanger by creating a free account.

Step 2:
TRADE for either SLP/BUSD or SLP/USDT or SLP/ETH. You can either SELL your SLP for BUSD, USDT or ETH

Step 3:
Go to P2P Trading to sell your BUSD, USDT or ETH for fiat currency such as USD or local currency you would like to have.

As simple as 3 steps to exchange your SLP to USD.


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