Yahoo Finance with MARKOV Strategy

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A Regime Switching Model can help identify and switch between different market regimes, such as mean reversion (when prices tend to revert to a mean) and momentum trending (when prices follow a trend). One common approach to model such regimes is using a Markov Regime Switching Model (MRS), where the market can switch between different states (regimes) based on probabilities.

Here’s a guide on how you could implement this:

1. Define the Regimes:

  • Mean Reversion: In this regime, prices fluctuate around a long-term mean. The idea is to buy when prices are below the mean and sell when they are above the mean.
  • Momentum Trending: In this regime, prices tend to follow a trend. The strategy here is to go long during an uptrend and short during a downtrend.

2. Data Preparation:

  • Collect historical price data (e.g., closing prices).
  • Compute indicators that capture mean reversion and momentum behavior. Common indicators include:
    • Mean Reversion: Moving average (MA), Bollinger Bands, Z-Score.
    • Momentum: Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD), Relative Strength Index (RSI), trend-based indicators.

3. Markov Regime Switching Model:

  • The Markov model assumes that the market can be in one of two or more regimes, with a certain probability of switching between them.
  • The key parameters are the transition probabilities between regimes and the characteristics (e.g., mean, variance) of returns in each regime.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Model the Log Returns: Use log returns of the asset prices to model changes. These will serve as the inputs to the regime switching model.
  2. Define Two Regimes:
    • Regime 1: Mean-reversion behavior.
    • Regime 2: Momentum/trending behavior.
  3. Fit the Model: Use a package like statsmodels in Python to fit the Markov Regime Switching Model. Here’s an example using MarkovAutoregression:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.tsa.regime_switching.markov_regression import MarkovRegression

Example of fitting Markov Regime Switching model to stock returns

Generate log returns from price data

prices = pd.Series([100, 102, 104, 103, 102, 106, 108, 110, 112])
log_returns = np.log(prices / prices.shift(1)).dropna()

Fit Markov Switching model

model = MarkovRegression(log_returns, k_regimes=2, trend=’c’, switching_variance=True)
results =

Print summary


Predict the regime at each time step

regimes = results.smoothed_marginal_probabilities[0] # Regime probabilities

This code fits a two-regime Markov switching model to the log returns. The results object contains the parameters and probabilities of being in each regime over time.

4. Interpreting the Results:

  • Regime 1: This could represent the mean-reversion regime, where prices tend to revert to their mean.
  • Regime 2: This could represent the momentum-trending regime, where prices exhibit directional trends.

The model estimates the probability of being in each regime at each time step, allowing you to determine whether the market is in a mean-reversion or momentum-trending state.

5. Strategy Implementation:

  • When in Mean Reversion (Regime 1):
    • If the price is below the mean (using indicators like moving averages), go long.
    • If the price is above the mean, go short.
  • When in Momentum (Regime 2):
    • Buy when the trend is upward and sell when the trend is downward.

6. Backtesting and Optimization:

  • Backtest the strategy by switching between the two regimes based on the predicted probabilities.
  • Fine-tune your indicators, such as the length of the moving averages or momentum indicators, to optimize performance.

Libraries to Consider:

  • statsmodels for regime-switching models.
  • hmmlearn for Hidden Markov Models, which is an alternative approach.

By switching between the two regimes based on the probabilities from the regime-switching model, you can potentially capture the market’s mean-reverting or trending behavior at the right time.

The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” Mark Zuckerberg

In 1993, Buffett spoke to Columbia University’s Business School graduates. Asked about his method for evaluating risk, he said, “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.” This quote reflects Buffett’s investment philosophy, highlighting the crucial role of knowledge and understanding in reducing risk.


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