Cryptocurrencies and NFTs that you might be interested in

DISCLAIMER: This is not a financial advice.

The following coins/tokens are the ones I’m interested in. I invested in some of them through staking or holding


The father of all crypto. On November 14, 2021, Bitcoin released their biggest upgrade yet, called Taproot, with this they introduced Schnorr signatures that will help for faster transactions, lower transaction fees, and more efficient system. Investing in Bitcoin is still one of the best options if you’re thinking for long term investments.


The second biggest cryptocurrency out there. Many DeFi and NFT projects and decentralised applications started in this network due to their utilisation of smart contracts. The network is doing an upgrade that is called Ethereum 2.0, it aims to increase the speed, efficiency, and scalability of the network to increase the number of the transactions they can make. In order to do that the network will switch from proof of work (mining) to proof of stake which will reward those who will stake in Ethereum 2.0. Investing and staking into Ethereum 2.0 will be a good choice if you want some passive income.


VeChain is a cryptocurrency network focused on supply chain and logistics needs. According to its whitepaper, VeChain’s mission is to “enable the blockchain community, business owners, enterprises, governments, or any other individual to move their business activities to blockchain effortlessly,” with an emphasis on the fact that technical knowledge is not required. The network rewards the holders of their native coin VET with VTHO. If you want some passive income without having the risks of staking, investing on this one will be a good choice for you.


It is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world when it comes to the volume exchanges. The network has their own native coin which is called BNB they also have their own stable coin called BUSD. The network rewards those who stake their BNB tokens and BUSD during their launchpools.


Dapper Labs, the one who handles NBA Top Shot, will launch NFT’s called Moments during this season. Like NBA Top Shot, NFL All-Day moments will be a short clips of highlights from your favourite NFL players. The market value of the Moments will depend to the rarity and the number of the NFT. Moments that has the #1 tag and has the jersey number of the player (i.e Tom Brady’s number is 12 and the number of the Moment you have is also 12) has a greater value compared to others. You can buy Moments by buying packs or buying from their marketplace. If you’re a big sports fan NBA Top Shot and NFL All Day is a great choice for you to buy in.

Metaverse: The Future of Gaming

We live in an era where the VR technology is improving and the NFT is finding it’s way to be the next big thing.

Ready Player One

If you’ve watch the movie Ready Player One then you might have the idea of what the future of gaming will be. But unlike in the movie, all the assets that you accumulated will not be gone if you fail or die on a mission.

Also, the VR technology keeps improving thanks to Mark Zuckerberg and his team working on Oculus VR headsets. Full body tracking is also available now on certain VR apps like VR chat. The full body tracking looks good, I’ve been watching VR content creators and the technology didn’t disappoint, the way you move is fully translated to the game.

It is the matter of time when the price of the VR headsets will be affordable to the mass population. Once most of the gamers has the access to it, we will experience gaming to a new extent. It will also make a new hope to the gaming industry and it’s content creators to interact each other virtually.

My Journey as a Gamer

As a young kid I didn’t have any idea about video games until my father bought a PlayStation 1. I still remember the joy it brings when the game started to load, also the frustration when it fails, and if that happens me and my brother will just open the CD door and then spin the disk and then try to start the game again.

The very first game I played is Tomba 2. It’s an adventure game that let you solve problems and puzzles to advance every stage. As a child, I sometimes get frustrated when I can’t get past a stage but at the same time I enjoyed it.

During my elementary days my father bought a Gameboy Advanced with Pokemon Emerald. This was the time when I really started liked playing video games. I remember that I chose Torchic as a starter I find it cute. I enjoyed beating all the gyms trying to catch and evolve every Pokemon I got. I still remember that I had a hard time beating Tate & Lisa (Mossdeep City Gym Leader) since that time I still don’t know how important it is to have a Pokemon which has a class advantage against trainers.

NBA 2k by 2k Sports

When I hit high school this is the time when I fell in love with sports games. This is the time that I feel competitive when I’m playing. I really enjoy playing NBA 2k series. This the game where I grew my passion in basketball as a fan. Playing 2k against my little brother really excites me. The buzzer beater shots, the highlight plays really drive my competitive spirit.

As a kid back in early 2000’s I really didn’t had the chance to play the classic Ragnarok Online game, so when I discovered this game it made me interested. I just started playing this back in March of 2020. The game helped me get past through the harsh situation on what’s going during this pandemic. I met a lot of people thru my guild. Endured some drama because of some altercation in our guild. In this game there is a lot of classes that you can play, the lore is very good, the guild wars are exciting fighting with your friends and even if there are so many users quit and switch to Ragnarok X: Next Generation (which is a fun game too!), and I’m stuck with my character progress since I really not spending too much time on the game anymore but I really still enjoy playing it.

Overall the thrill, the excitement and the challenges really made me got into gaming.
What got you into gaming? Comment down below

I hope you guys enjoyed my story. Stay tuned for more